All new students should be tested and placed in the proper level at the time of registration.
The school fee is $500 per term and should be paid upon registration. Any student experiencing difficulty with paying should speak with the ALC administrator.
Generally, only persons over 18 years of age should be registered. The use of the Adult Learning Centre program as extra lessons for school children is discouraged.
We will register new students after the first two weeks of the Easter term, however students must be advised that the teacher will not go over the material or slow down just for them. Returning students may be registered at any time, subject to space requirements and there being no concern about poor attendance on their part.
Registration for the Christmas term takes place within the first two weeks of the school year. Registration for the Easter term takes place in the last week of the Christmas term and the first two weeks of the Easter term.
Students may be registered in different levels for English and Math.